Recommendation: Excel School + Excel Hero Academy Bundle

Chandoo (of and Daniel Ferry (of are kicking-off their new Excel School and Excel Hero Academy. If you really want to learn Excel—and I mean learn Excel—I recommend their new courses.

It’s true; I’ve never taken a course from either of them. However, much of what you see on this website is a direct result of their work, their tutorials, their fearless trailblazing into Excel’s unknown. All of my work (not just the stuff on this blog, but my professional work too) owes a great debt to both and I can only imagine the great work they do online is expanded in their classes. In all honesty, I would sign up too if I wasn’t so pressed for time in the short term. But if you have an interest in learning Excel and taking it to the next level, I can’t think of two better people to teach you how. Believe me.

I’m not a paid spokesperson. I won’t receive anything for referring you. In fact, unless Chandoo or Daniel views this blog article (here’s hoping I’m important enough for them to follow!), they won’t even know I’ve made a recommendation. But I believe that strongly in their work.

So sign up for the Excel School & Excel Hero Academy Bundle. I think it’s well worth the money.

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