About Me

A big thank you to everyone! This blog has achieved over 20,000 page views, which is quite an accomplishment for this humble blogger. Looking through my work, I realize that I've never formally introduced myself. 

So, here goes. 

My name is Jordan Goldmeier and I live in Dayton, Ohio. I work for a small start-up consulting company, The Perduco Group, developing analytical applications many of them in Microsoft Excel. Later this year, I am getting married to wonderful, incredibly smart theology student named Katherine. I'm also currently writing a book on Excel dashboards for Apress publishing.

Also, I have two cats:



And then there's Katherine's dog, Katie:


As I went through the information Google Analytics collects about my blog, I saw people from all over the world have visited my blog. Wherever you're from - don't be a stranger - introduce yourself! And if you're in the Dayton area and haven't said "hi" yet - here's your chance!

jpo645 (at) gmail (.com)

Look forward to hearing from you. Comment, email - let's connect.  


Comments: 6

  1. Jordan,

    Congrats on reaching 20,000 page views! I've followed your site for a while and look forward to your articles. Keep up the good work!

  2. Keep up with the good work and don't forget to be creative...

  3. Thank you very much for everything you share with with us. Great Work

  4. Hi Jordan,

    Thanks a lot for the roll-over periodic table. It's simply fantastic!

    Keep it up!

